Crafting legacies & embracing the future

Hey Folks!

It’s been super long since I voiced out on this platform. I would like to blame the lethargy on the Covid pandemic ;). It impacted many across the globe and left those seemingly unaffected with some weird scars…and me, I became complacent and lethargic…creative juices more contained… chasing dreams more profound and yet laid back!!!

Anyways, that is bygone now. Thank God for that! Have so much to share and yet little to say…does that make sense??? Well, let me unleash…

Fin-Year 2023, kicked off with great cheer! Two of our cherished projects were declared the best in their genre on a national platform.

Recognition coming unexpectedly brings in double the joy. The clients’ gaze changes, we are now serious contenders in what we have been doing for over a decade.

Isn’t it true – recognition not only brings in work but respect too. We get invited on a national platform to not just display but also represent and opine! With just a few days on hand, we set our act in order. Our window to the world – our website archaic and almost orphaned for 5 years overhauled; our projects of the last two/ three years undocumented documented for proper representation; our social media handles activated; the team charged and lo and behold we get ready to represent ourselves at India’s first International Museum Expo.

We not only tasted the joy of being invited by the country’s top policymakers but got spoilt by their care and pampering. It’s been a wonderful experience, feeling their genuine interest and passion clubbed with their vigour and commitment to present the country’s diverse tangible and intangible heritage to the world, thereby building a sense of pride in every Indian.

As we commit to align by this grand vision of making spaces that edutain and impact, we go about showcasing our work and talking about our capabilities; chatting up with fellow enablers – sharing thoughts and exchanging ideas; feeling the enthusiasm of the visitors;  enjoying the bonhomie and the cheer.

And as we go about committing, doing our bit in actualising this vision, I wish to thank the team at MOC (Ministry of Culture) for bringing together the entire museum fraternity under a single roof. Cheers to Mugdhaji & her ever-smiling team for the wonderful International Museum Expo.

As I bid adieu, I pledge, that, all that ‘we at Vama’ would do, will aid the following charter set into momentum at this Expo:

Building Alliances & Sharing Collections; Inclusivity & Sustainability; Edutainment & Teching up the Museum quotient.

Ensuring that we celebrate our past for a better future and build pride in our culture and heritage.

Three cheers to Team India! Jai Hind!