2nd October, 2014 – Gandhiji’s 145th birth anniversary marked the inauguration of Swachh Bharat Movement under the guidance of Hon’ble PM Mr. Modi.

Since then the entire nation is seen busy; some with pigeonholed brooms and others grooming. Indians have at last rolled up their sleeves and accepted this long awaited responsibility of a cleaner India. It is such a pleasant sight to see all the idol’s of this nation joining hands to realise this mission. Indeed a supremely and much needed hygienic move!

No doubt the sight of the vicinities being cleaned up and people showcasing efforts to change their mindsets about external cleanliness makes me immensely happy but at the same time makes me mull over too.

I sense white (read painstakingly neat) bodies roaming loosely in white (read well groomed) surroundings but full of black (read dark) tainted emotions.

Will this do us any greater good?

Will such external cleanliness alone suffice our existence?

No…I am afraid not!!!

We have all seen or been the smart dominating bunch at some point or the other. We may have indulged in harshly back biting or bullying each other; many a times reminding me of a bad snake making the player at 99 reverse jump to 9 due to one wrong digit on dice. Unfortunately, most of us have mean bones in our bodies. Sometimes it feels like the world is in the race of being deep, dark black and why not, the universe somehow has started following a theory which goes like the blacker you’re the more successful you become.

Perhaps that’s why the rich becomes richer and the poor becomes poorer not just monetarily, even otherwise. Each one of us has been through such murky incidents on literally a daily basis – but the point is till when???

Wouldn’t this forever black and white situation be more dangerous than white and black situation – just a thought!

It’s high time we go for a soul-audit, assess our evils and clean our conscience.

We are born in a soulful tender world why not we instil transparency in our everyday experiences. We then will not need to take deep dives in the Ganges or go for shrine trips to purify our souls.

This way I’m pretty sure India and the world largely will shift to the idea of “It’s ok to accept less but completely white”.

Moreover, life is about people who remain true behind your back and to be counted in this category, each one of us needs to strive to achieve epitome – white (inside) and white (outside).

I wish the 150th Anniversary of Gandhiji we collectively realise India’s vision of becoming a clean country and the world’s dream of pure psyche and holy spirits.

Jai Hind!